Hello! I am in Saint-Petersburg now! *O* So long time I dreamed about it, and now I’m here!! I’m soo

Hello! I am in Saint-Petersburg now! *O* So long time I dreamed about it, and now I’m here!! I’m soo


Hello! I am in Saint-Petersburg now! *O* So long time I dreamed about it, and now I’m here!! I’m soo

Hello! I am in Saint-Petersburg now! *O* So long time I dreamed about it, and now I’m here!! I’m soo


Hello! I am in Saint-Petersburg now! *O* So long time I dreamed about it, and now I’m here!! I’m soo

Hello! I am in Saint-Petersburg now! *O* So long time I dreamed about it, and now I’m here!! I’m soo


Hello! I am in Saint-Petersburg now! *O* So long time I dreamed about it, and now I’m here!! I’m soo

Hello! I am in Saint-Petersburg now! *O* So long time I dreamed about it, and now I’m here!! I’m soo


https://flickr/p/eiBXfD by mmelancolieme, Germany, sometime at the end of 2012

https://flickr/p/eiBXfD by mmelancolieme, Germany, sometime at the end of 2012

